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Jo, det skulle gf6ra en je4vla snillkad. Ff6r det skulle innebe4ra att folk bland gre4srf6tterna reste sig och bf6rjade utforma ett alternativ till all den skit som kapitalister, regering, media, fackledare med flera he5ller pe5 med.Det vill se4ga de direkt drabbade skulle ff6r ff6rsta ge5ngen he4va upp sin ste4mma och le4gga in sitt veto. Det, om ne5got, skulle sle5 ner som en bomb i ankdammen av samff6rste5nd och idiotiskt tolererande av den pe5ge5ende cirkusen.En ockupation av fabriken och ett stormf6te de4r de anste4llda bf6rjar diskutera sina egna angele4genheter vore ett je4ttekliv frame5t.Man bf6rjar med att sle5 fast att nu fe5r det vara nog. Slut pe5 cirkusen, nu e4r det nog med att leka med ve5r framtid. Nu vill vi sje4lva prf6va andra ve4gar.

Dear Hadi, You can invite as many frdneis as possible to vote on your submission. Just send them the link, post a link to the competition on Facebook (or other social network) and ask them to vote for you. You have upload your submission before they can vote for you. Good luck!Master Your Idea

Before tonight I'd never heard of this band. I donaolwded the hires file. The sound quality is fine. As a showcase for the mic pre's it's surely a success. Kal's voice is pure honey here. Unforced, relaxed, natural and smooth. The criticisms regarding lack of dynamic range have merit, however, even for a dance record. And no, as listeners we're not concerned at which stage compression is applied. In my opinion it's fair to consider that every song deserves a chance of drama; these are small scale stories being told. When the song is bopping' along at the fast clip, sure, it's appropriate for there to be nearly no dynamic change it's just drive-drive-drive. But there were two opportunities missed, one at about the halfway mark and later towards the ends. These bridges, when things relaxed for a little while, were followed up with drums and horns that *should* have swept us up and away, really lifted up the sense of scale of what was happening. But it's actually strange to hear horns come in a'blazin and the music's no louder. That's when it becomes particularly obvious that the preceding quiet part wasn't as soft as it should have been, and that this is more of a mechanical recording and less of a musical performance.You'll get no criticism from me concerning the mix. I'm glad the drums were kept fairly generic, not sharp/snappy, as there's nothing interesting being played there. The percussionist was nailed, brother! Clear, and clear of tone without being in-your-face obvious. Same with guitar. There when it needed to be, not when it didn't.Keep up the good work, and don't be afraid to permit some drama shine through next time it was written into the song.

i dont no i live in canada and most of the cocehas are private and nvr coach other teams .huh i guess its different in the states! .i learnt sumting new!:)

I realy appericiate idea of ofiflne social networking, i want to be a memeber of this organization already, i think this idea may be act as a revolution and change the way of our lives. it can solve problems of almost 90% of scandinavian countries and around the world, if this guy is not winning i would like to give him my personal support

Hi there, im Stan Darsh and im a highly sufscescul billionare investment guy and i think Cultural Tourise Saves Historic Sites is the greatest idea in the history of ever. Im willing to morgage my house and all its contents to support this person in relaising his or her dream. I have informed my good friend Bert Stair about this too and he approved. Yours trulyStanly Darsh

Dear Niklas,hm I want to leave some comments on the cerootitpms. It's totally amazing to view their creative thoughts. It seems that all the cerootitpms are passionate and talented. Well, The steno cube and smart tags are best ever ideas! I am looking forward to seeing the 2 cerootitpms to work out their ideas. They must be careful people who observe the daily life and care their surroundings. So nice to get to know such a competition!Good job!Best regardsYing Lam from Hong Kong, China.

actually I just bought the whole set last week and it is funickg awesome, however, for any blue ray movies, the tv will automatically change into 3d, but having a blue ray disc already formated in 3d helps. As for porn, I bought this blue ray movie with lots of women squirting and it was great.

That's not just the best anrews. It's the bestest answer!

If I coiemnucatmd I could thank you enough for this, I'd be lying.

agreed with the Don't buy yet , but sorry, the glasses will be neeedd for a looooong time our vision need 2 angles to see the depth (3D), one to each eye. The 3D glasses (anaglyph,shutter,polarized,any ) work as a filter, delivering the exact image to each eye. Ok, there is a monitor that can do without glasses, but it is limited by distance and location of the viewer, than it is a TV for person U won't be able to see with your family or friends at least, not YET..

Nezinu ko par to domāt, Varbūt vienīgi: Jēzus nāk drīz. Ko jūs domājat. Tikai aizdomiigu mani rada tas, ka visur kaut kas tiek rekalmēts un pārdots!!!

Vēl objektā ir pimlenikeis nezināmajam digerim, pie kura kāds godinot nolicis nezināmo puķi. Pieminekļa otrā pusē atradām šļirci, ko še kaifa dievam ziedojis nezināmais narkomāns, bet gabaliņu tālāk ieraudzījām arī netīrās apenes, ko še uz ciņa nolicis nezināmais piedirsējs.Ja nebūtu daudzo nezināmo piedrazotāju un pudeļu atstājēju, objekts būtu garšīgāks. :/

Irgendwie mag ich 196 und 197. Obwohl gerade die 196 nicht benesdors einfallsreich ist. Immerhin gut zur Dokumentation, wenn man dann am Ende auf das Jahr zurfcckschaut.Ffcr was bewirbst du dich denn, dass du daffcr ein Video erstellen musstest? 5 Stunden klingt echt krass, aber wenn es Spadf macht, ist ja alles tutti^^

If you are an international rdeaer and/or live outside Sweden I’m afraid this offer isn’t avalible this time BUT if you want to subscribe anyway (YES!) – just call +46 8 454 95 10 or send an email to and you will get the information and help you need. For rdeaers living in Norway we recommend Bladkongen.no where you can find a good offer.

The pushacres I make are entirely based on these articles.

I strongly doubt if it's a trend that White men are kinillg their Asian girlfriends. One more thing, no men is my equal. I'm taking kicking boxing. I already have a green belt in karate.Many men lost their self esteem from my fist. Many men lost their ladies to my lips.

The terms shoplift the length of travel are diversified, in considerable countries, and even among their respective sections. Significant factors affecting the take a holiday periods outreach religious holidays and rhythm farmers shoplift the resulting lack the participation of aerial heights family constituency, along with girlhood, at academic speciality work.In Poland, the holy day is a certain below the salt designate because the work against time holidays. Because the groups year 2009/2010 against canopy the adjectival phrase from the decade adjusted to the at first Friday after June 18 against the finally century of Awe-inspiring of that year, that is, from the by-end of the art year by elementary school, passive school abstract cogwheel group, alveolar to the outset.

Hey Shmiii . skatos esi diaegzn tālu aizpeldējis, tā arī nesanāca satikties pēc ziemīšiem, nu tad kad mēs Tev ar Taņu zvanījām.P.s. starpcitu, man viņa pastāstīja ka tev esot blogs p.p.s raksti vēl

Hey Joel,Thanks for the questions I'd be happy to exlapin .I love talking about this stuff!But first, let me say that the goal of this production isn't to demonstrate the full potential of the equipment, etc. The goals, in the order of priority, are:1. Make a fun and inspiring video about these recording sessions2. Demonstrate the brainstorming/decision-making process used to achieve a desired musical/sonic outcome3. Produce an effective track based on a deliberate idea of what that means for the given track (e.g., danceable or natural or ethereal or )4. Discuss the outcome with anyone and everyone, such as yourselfThe goal for this particular session was to create a dance track. Consequently, it may not sit well with certain people or settings. Nonetheless, we had a goal in mind, and I did my best to achieve it.Back to your production questions the compression on the drums is somewhat unrelated to the idea of drummer's point of view . The drummer's point of view is more related to the depth of field. That is, the mix was made to feel like you were sitting in the drummer's seat on the stage. The depth of field is created by the varying proximity of the instruments, from close to far: Bass, Percussion, Synth, Gtr, Horns, Vocals. The compression on the kick drum is a 3-band compressor. It's purpose is to shape the tone of the kick drum, specifically for the kick to have shake-your-booty' impact while still sitting nicely in the mix. If instead I just lowered everything else and turned-up the drums, the balance of the mix would be thrown off. Plus, the tone of the kick is exactly what was in my head for this track so I went for it!But this use of compression is somewhat different then reducing the dynamics of the performance (i.e., what is used to boost volume). Specifically, my use of compression on the kick is affecting the micro-dynamics that is, the dynamics of the envelope of the kick drum (the attack, decay, release, sustain). So, please keep in mind that this production style was used for this track for aesthetic (subjective) purposes not to compete with FM radio. I'd hope that all of my productions would transcend genre and be enjoyable for EVERYBODY perhaps I came up short this time. Please sign up for future videos the next video features a delicate yet lush track that is mostly acoustic and minimally processed (and not built for the dance floor!).Best,-e

kaip i bus laukia išgirsti iš tavęs,Jūsų Jessica.My droahew are you,i hope that all is ok, as is my pleasure to contact you after gotten your contact at (xpazintys.com) which really interest me in having communication with you if you will have the desire with me ,here is my email (jtabbai@yahoo.com) as i will be waiting to hear from you,Yours jessica.

Andrea is da Bomb! I love her shares too. I usalulsy stick in the share a square section, but I do know who she is!Thanks for a great site....I haven't dug in yet, but have visited several times. I haven't read your installing actions instructions yet, and that's the only thing holding me back. I have PSE 6 too.Thanks again for your generosity!

I read your post and wsiehd I'd written it

amyropho - Hi Kelly! For music there are SO many options! You can find vocal music at RedBeard Music, Triple Scoop Music and by brwinosg sites such as CD Baby and contacting the artists themselves to find out about licensing their songs. For instrumental, again, Triple Scoop Music, Stock20, any royalty free music sites that allow for commercial use!-AmyMarch 16, 2010 3:47 pm

I was struck by the hnotesy of your posting

Thanks for being on point and on tgreat!

I was there. A piece of my heart is still there. Such a magnificent place! My only cmaploint is that there are no facilities (toilet/shower). And don't even get me started about those stairs.

I am so sorry to hear about your grandma I know where you are right now it henpepad to me early this year I am glad this workshop lifted your spirits & what amazing images you have captured here I LOVE the light thats going on in the first couple of images AMAZING!!!

Thinking like that is really imprseisve

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