Pirmdiena, 2025-01-13, 05:57:46
Sveicināts Caurgājējs

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Ziņas no delfi.lv
Sākums » Bilžu albūms » daba » Igaunijas ziema
Skaisti, vai ne? Ziema Lāsmas redzējumā...
Skatījumi: 1957 | Izmērs: 500x375px/50.6Kb | Vērtējums: 5.0/1 | Datums: 2009-02-27 | SanSan

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Komentāri: 1
1. [Entry]
agreed with the Don't buy yet , but sorry, the glasses will be neeedd for a looooong time our vision need 2 angles to see the depth (3D), one to each eye. The 3D glasses (anaglyph,shutter,polarized,any ) work as a filter, delivering the exact image to each eye. Ok, there is a monitor that can do without glasses, but it is limited by distance and location of the viewer, than it is a TV for person U won't be able to see with your family or friends at least, not YET..

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