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Sākums » 2009 » Janvāris » 18 » Par motivāciju
Par motivāciju
Es esmu priecīgs
par savu bērnu, kas nemazgā traukus, bet skatās televizoru, jo tas nozīmē, ka viņš ir mājās un nav uz ielas;
par ienākumu nodokli, kas man jāmaksā, jo tas nozīmē, ka man ir darbs;
par savandīto māju, kas jāsakopj pēc viesībām, jo tas nozīmē, ka pie manis ir bijuši draugi;
par apģērbu, kas man kļuvis mazliet par šauru, jo tas nozīmē, ka man ir, ko ēst;
par ēnu, kas noraugās manā darbā, jo tas nozīmē, ka es esmu saulē;
par mauriņu, kas jāappļauj, logiem, kas jānotīra, notekām, kas jāsalabo, jo tas nozīmē, ka man ir māja;
par sūdzībām par mūsu valdību, jo tas nozīmē, ka mums ir vārda brīvība;
par sievieti, kas dzied baznīcā nepareizā meldiņā, jo tas nozīmē, ka es dzirdu;
par mazgājamās un gludināmās veļas kaudzi, jo tas nozīmē, ka man ir drēbes;
par nogurumu un sāpošajiem muskuļiem vakarā, jo tas nozīmē, ka esmu varējis strādāt;
par modinātājpulksteņa zvanu rīta agrumā, jo tas nozīmē, ka esmu dzīvs!

Lai tā ir jūsu motivācija!!!

Kategorija: Nopietni par nopietno | Skatīts: 1979 | Pievienoja: Mazinsh | Reitings: 0.0/0 |
Komentāri: 2
2. [Entry]
Before tonight I'd never heard of this band. I donaolwded the hires file. The sound quality is fine. As a showcase for the mic pre's it's surely a success. Kal's voice is pure honey here. Unforced, relaxed, natural and smooth. The criticisms regarding lack of dynamic range have merit, however, even for a dance record. And no, as listeners we're not concerned at which stage compression is applied. In my opinion it's fair to consider that every song deserves a chance of drama; these are small scale stories being told. When the song is bopping' along at the fast clip, sure, it's appropriate for there to be nearly no dynamic change it's just drive-drive-drive. But there were two opportunities missed, one at about the halfway mark and later towards the ends. These bridges, when things relaxed for a little while, were followed up with drums and horns that *should* have swept us up and away, really lifted up the sense of scale of what was happening. But it's actually strange to hear horns come in a'blazin and the music's no louder. That's when it becomes particularly obvious that the preceding quiet part wasn't as soft as it should have been, and that this is more of a mechanical recording and less of a musical performance.You'll get no criticism from me concerning the mix. I'm glad the drums were kept fairly generic, not sharp/snappy, as there's nothing interesting being played there. The percussionist was nailed, brother! Clear, and clear of tone without being in-your-face obvious. Same with guitar. There when it needed to be, not when it didn't.Keep up the good work, and don't be afraid to permit some drama shine through next time it was written into the song.

1. [Entry]
That's a mold-bkraeer. Great thinking!

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«  Janvāris 2009  »


Vietnes draugi


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