Trešdiena, 2025-02-05, 16:04:06
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Sākums » Bilžu albūms » cilvēki » Ali Landry Wallpaper (1)
Skatījumi: 2204 | Izmērs: 1024x768px/216.8Kb | Vērtējums: 0.0/0 | Datums: 2009-04-19 | devilbass
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Komentāri: 1
1. [Entry]
Dear Niklas,hm I want to leave some comments on the cerootitpms. It's totally amazing to view their creative thoughts. It seems that all the cerootitpms are passionate and talented. Well, The steno cube and smart tags are best ever ideas! I am looking forward to seeing the 2 cerootitpms to work out their ideas. They must be careful people who observe the daily life and care their surroundings. So nice to get to know such a competition!Good job!Best regardsYing Lam from Hong Kong, China.

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